Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Random Things......

Today is a typical Tuesday at our home. So far I have absolutely nothing accomplished and it's already 10:30 a.m.. All I have heard today has been the screaming of our little monkeys fighting over toys, who's going to feed the goldfish, and the screams of debate on why we can't put the wooden train tracks and fridge magnets in the fish tank for Dorothy (Elmo's goldfish has this same name) to play with. Oh and while dealing with these screaming children who MUST take after their father, I have taken away about 4 different things that could be a choking hazard and pulled my daughter off of about 6 different pieces of furniture..If that kid turns 30 and has never climbed Mount Everest I will be shocked she climbs everything!!!

For a special treat I will now add one of my sons latest musical creations...

Happy Johnny New Year!
I am a pirate captain and I have a parrot
My sister Z her name is Mr. Smee
I am the one that has the hook
"Hey mom where's my shoes?"
The pirate food is tasty and nice and I have my shoes now!

(All to the tune of Twinkel, Twinkle, Little Star)

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